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Niantic confirms new Pokémon GO issue where official Bluetooth devices such as the Pokémon GO Plus+ are not working when the Pokémon GO app is backgrounded

Niantic confirms new Pokémon GO issue where official Bluetooth devices such as the Pokémon GO Plus+ are not working when the Pokémon GO app is backgrounded

Niantic is continuing to announce new events and content for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more: Official Bluetooth Devices Not Functioning with Pokémon GO is backgrounded Last Updated: 4h Issue Description: Official Bluetooth devices (such as the Pokémon GO Plus+) are not working when the Pokémon GO app is backgrounded.Issue Status: Investigating. Source: Official Pokémon … Continue reading Niantic confirms new Pokémon GO issue where official Bluetooth devices such as the Pokémon GO Plus+ are not working when the Pokémon GO app is backgrounded

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