In 2019, The Pokémon Company opened a special Japanese YouTube channel called Pokémon Kids TV, which is aimed at young Pokémon fans. You can check out the latest batch of content uploaded to the channel in the embedded video below: ポケモンKidsTVのなつのうた つめあわせ!ポケモンたちが登場する、夏のうたがメドレーになったよ!すきなうたはあるかな?いっしょにうたってみてね! 00:06 かたつむり02:10 あめふり03:44 あめ あめ ふって (Rain, Rain, Go Away)06:30 あまどい のぼる (Itsy … Continue reading Video: 60 minutes worth of Japanese Pokémon Kids TV content now available in a single YouTube video